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. Compliance . Pre-Post M&A . Reputational Risk . Ultimate Beneficial Owners . Sanctions - AML/TF

Due Diligence &
Business Intelligence

Taking into account exposure to risks emanating from interactions with external stakeholders is crucial and critical today, as the business environment has become complex, in the light of globalization and the entanglement of entrusted activities. to third parties, the multiplication of partners, transactions and sometimes the interconnection of management systems.

Furthermore, an increase in regulations to be respected: CSR, sanctions, AML/CFT, SAPIN 2 anti-corruption law, duty of vigilance, Security, GDPR, etc. requires increased vigilance and prior and in-depth knowledge of stakeholders.

In this context of multiple issues, it is essential to know the stakeholders with whom organizations enter into business relationships.

Establishment of a global approach aimed at identifying stakeholders and mapping & ranking of third parties, prior to determining the appropriate level of diligence.

  • KYC – KYS
  • Screening – Public databases
  • Open-Source Research – OSINT

Collection of advanced information, analysis of the data collected (corruption, fraud, conflict of interest, AML-FT, events impacting governance, ethics, etc.), as part of M&A operations;
Advanced investigations, with collection of information from local sources (on site), human sources.

  • Ultimate Beneficial Owners
  • Media adverse events
  • Social networks exposure

Ethicaline works in collaboration and partnership with several players in France and abroad, specialized in Business Intelligence, in the collection and analysis of economic, strategic, competitive and reputational information.

  • Intelligence monitoring
  • Strategic intelligence
  • Business intelligence

Relying on its own international network and those of partners, Ethicaline is able to cover most countries on all continents, to provide you with qualified decision-making intelligence based on analysts in the field.

  • On-site Intelligence gathering
  • Human Intelligence gathering – HUMINT