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Roundtable – Congrès Institut Risk Compliance – IRC

Roundtable – Congrès Institut Risk Compliance – IRC

At Institut du Risk & Compliance this morning, such an insightful round table on leveraging IA technology to Due Diligence and Third Party Risk Management, with Data Scientist Nuray Yücesoy, MSc, CAMS and Francis Marinier, ICA, CAMS, with thoughts and practical aspects addressed such as:

– Unstructured vs Structured Machine Learning;
– Datasets enrichment for better usage of IA technology;
– Combined datasources from multiple sources: database providers, Third-Parties, Enhanced Due Diligence reports, in a holistic approach of Due Diligence at large;
– Project Management and Central Repository – platform & tools, dashboard/Cockpit… – as key features to the benefit of Compliance Officers. to manage such a daunting undertaking.