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Subscription – Alert line system

. Waserman Law . European Directive . Whistleblowers . Confidentiality . Reputational Risk

Our offers
Ethics alert line management

In partnership with

Managing and processing intakes as soon as they are reported by your organization's whistleblowers; as per regulatory guidelines.

  • Intake reports
  • Indepedent review
  • Qualification
  • Management and follow-up until closed and remediated

Communication and interaction with whistleblowers, with a guarantee of confidentiality, independence and protection of the status of the whistleblower.

  • Confidentiality
  • Whistleblower protection
  • Anonymity

A comprehensive and centralized dossier management, from intakes reported to case resolution, upholding regulatory obligation in terms of documentation, for further legal proceedings ie needed.

  • Central repository
  • Data security, privacy
  • Traceability

methodological assistance during the deployment of the system and the compliance framework: procedure, training, communication, to be adapted to the environment and governance of your company.

  • Governance
  • Compliance framework documentation
  • Multi-jurisdictional regulatory compliance

Some allegations may require in-depth investigations, whether internal/external or on-site investigations; Ethicaline and its seasoned investigators have the capabilities to assist throughout the review, assessment and qualification process.

  • Assessment & Intelligence gathering
  • Due Diligence
  • On-site internal investigations

Our services encompass a specialized Compliance practice Lawyer (registered with Paris Bar) for legal support, if needed; to ensure full compliance during the process and further legal proceedings actions.

  • Compliance Lawyer – registered at Paris Bar
  • Specialized in internal investigations
  • Specialities: Ethics, harassment, GDPR, AML/FT

Intake processing
of an allegation reported

. Intake of an allegation, with acknowledge receipt
. preliminary verification;

. qualification ;
. advanced investigation;
. report ;
. archiving and traceability.

Our formulas


  • Platform + dedicated URL
  • Processing, investigation, qualification
  • Processing of 10 intakes
  • Management, follow-up of files
  • Advisory support
  • Setup in 10 working days

250 – 500

  • Platform + dedicated URL
  • Processing, investigation, qualification
  • Processing of 15 intakes
  • Management, follow-up of files
  • Advisory support
  • Setup in 10 working days

270 € / month

500 – 1000

  • Platform + dedicated URL
  • Processing, investigation, qualification
  • Processing of 25 intakes
  • Management, follow-up of files
  • Advisory support
  • Setup in 10 working days

319 € / month

> 1000

  • Platform + dedicated URL
  • Processing, investigation, qualification
  • Processing of 25+ intakes
  • Management, follow-up of files
  • Advisory support
  • Setup in 10 working days


Ethicaline proposes a turn-key solution of Managed Services to handle your Whistleblowing Line, capitalizing on operational experience in the matter; from intake processing to advanced investigations of reported allegations.

The regulatory and reputational issues of the ethics alert line

Why choose us ?


Support and management of intakes by subject matter experts and professionals


independence and impartiality guaranteed, when processing allegations reported


Interact appropriately with whistleblowers; proactively handle and qualify allegations


Managed Services turn-key solution, with no additional Compliance resources needed within your organization

Questions ?

Do not hesitate to contact us pour plus
de précisions sur les offres de services de Ligne d’alerte
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